a glimpse of my authentic life
It’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone to watch and talk about films with. Decades ago, I hosted a Cinéma Soirée group one Sunday a month, where about six or seven of my women friends got together chez moi to watch a film and share a sumptuous pot luck afterwards. I would choose the film, prepare interesting info about the actors or director…
A Letting Go and A Reclaiming
A couple of months ago, on the phone with a dear writerfriend, somehow a poem that I had written in 1998 came up in the conversation. It’s called The Lady of the Lake. I had brought it to the very first writers workshop I attended, which is where I met this sister-of-the-heart. Even though at the time I didn’t consider myself a poet—I was workshopping my novel…
Ridiculously Annoying Wordly Things
As some of you who read my blog know, the practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong has been an important part of my life for seven years now (see Challenge, Choice, and Chi). I recently accepted an invitation to be part of an eleven month mentorship program with my teacher Master Mingtong Gu called The Living Tao. It began on April 1st. One of the primary things we were asked…
Being Happy For No Reason
The past three years for me have been among the most intense of my life. I like to keep my own counsel when it comes to my stories. Too many times a person can become her story to others who often project worry instead of holding the vision of wellness for her. I will, however, share some of my challenges here. Due to the Covid pandemic, plus physical issues…
Reading By Ear
In case you haven’t already figured it out, I’m talking audiobooks. It’s a controversial subject for many like me who love the turn of a deckle-edged page, an exquisite cover, elegant interior design, the comfort of a well-fingered volume lying by my bedside, bookmark in…
A Resurrection Of Words – 2023
I’ve wanted to resurrect this blog for a long time, but it seems my Muses have been on vacation in Bora Bora since right after my memoir, Rare Atmosphere: An Extraordinary Inter-dimensional Affair of the Heart, was published in 2013. I’ve been waiting a long time…
Being Before Doing
A cosmic wild card has been played, and to the shock and surprise of most of the country, Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States. Before the election, no matter how grim things looked, I believed humanity was slowly slowly moving forward…
Quantum Physics And The Political Arena
I love quantum physics—the minuscule amount my brain can wrap itself around—because it offers confirmation of a metaphysical law I came to understand in the 1970’s, namely, where the mind goes, energy follows…
Challenge, Choice, and Chi
A decade ago I entered a competition in which I had to write a 150 word description of myself as if I were the protagonist in a novel. I was one of the winners. Here’s what it said: She saw herself as the heroine of her own literary affairs du coeurs. She’d had three husbands, an inter-dimensional relationship with…
How Not To Burrito A 17 Pound Cat
Lest you think I could in any way be referring to my cat and the kind of burrito one might eat, let me set your mind to rest. To “burrito” a cat is to wrap it tightly in a towel in order to calm it down enough to clip its nails or administer medication, which, in this case, was the reason for my attempt…