10 NOVEMBER 2023 SistersHumorRelationship The Traveling Sisterhood of the Stinky Feet At the end of October, my sister and niece (my nephew’s wife) came to visit for the first time in a long while. I hadn’t seen Fran, my sister, in over six years, my niece Jodi in...
02 OCTOBER 2023 Tao Te ChingEssence of WaterConsciousness The Tao of Water I’ve been involved with the practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong for many years, and in April, I accepted an invitation to participate in an eleven month Mentorship program called The Living Tao....
20 AUGUST 2023 Buying A CarHumor Buying A Car: The Good, The Bad, and The Bizarre The Good A couple of weeks ago, my dear friend Carolyn went with me to look at a couple of cars I was considering. I didn’t really intend to buy anything that day, but the great...
28 JULY 2023 WritingHealingAgingDeath The Force of July My goal has been to post on this blog twice a month, but for the last few months, this hasn’t been going so well. In May and June I only posted once, and not until the next to the last day of each month. And now,...
29 JUNE 2023 MusicFilmGreat ArtSoul Connections Reconnection It’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone to watch and talk about films with. Decades ago, I hosted a Cinéma Soirée group one Sunday a month, where six or seven of my women friends got together chez moi to...